The highly successful GcMAF Immunology Conference 2013
exceeded all our scientific, clinical result and personal expectations. See videos
We now distribute Bravo Probiotic, assayed and proven to contain GcMAF
Mouthwash GcMAF for dentists: diseases of the mouth and sore throat.
Dr Bradstreet has 85% responders, 15% full recoveries, another paper on autism.
Professor Marco Ruggiero MD joins us on the 1st November as Consultant Scientific Director
It is our immune system that prevents and destroys disease:
A macrophage (purple) eats cancer cellsThe first research was done in 1990 by Dr Yamamoto in Philadelphia; and since then 142 scientists have published 59 research papers in the US National Library of Medicine alone, stating that GcMAF is a vital part of the human immune system, which doesn't function without it. Externally administered GcMAF rebuilds the immune system, and the immune system can then eradicate early stage cancer and other diseases.
How does GcMAF work?
In a healthy person your GcMAF acts as a "director" of your immune system. But viruses and malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents production of your GcMAF: that neutralises your immune system. So diseases become chronic, and cancer cells grow unchecked.
In three weeks of one GcMAF dose a week, your immune system is rebuilt to above normal strength. You need one dose a week for typically 24 weeks for many diseases and early cancers, a year for later stage cancers.
One week's GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. Its perfectly sterile, and a most ethical course for doctors.
We extract and isolate GcMAF molecules, and our GcMAF has undergone hundreds of laboratory experiments in universities, laboratories and clinics and been the subject of 11 independent scientific research papers.
GcMAF is therefore a replacement therapy for those who can't make their own. Taking GcMAF replaces the missing part of the immune system, and also acts as the body's internal medicine.
The GcMAF Conference 2013 showed GcMAF is a far more powerful molecule than we thought, both in terms of the science, and doctors' results. In stage 4 cancer, some doctors who choose the right complimentary therapies, such as those listed on our "Treatment Strategies," are saving every patient. We've had complete successes with many common cancers including prostate lung and breast, but a little with leukemia and melanoma too.
The immune system can eradicate chronic inflammation, bacterial and viral infections, and our GcMAF has been successful here, and with Autism, Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, CFS, Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, and various types of Immune dysfunction including allergies. Research shows GcMAF can reverse HIV, Parkinson’s, and prevent deterioration in MS and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. Severe cirrhosis of the liver takes 15 months or more. Its often effective with severe depression. We can save stage four cases too, but only when they live close enough for us to monitor, which is why we are running the residential Wellness Courses in Germany, so if they have three or more months to live, no one needs to be lost.
Small pre-clinical trials to build the case are again taking place.
Clinics, doctors and those diagnosed with any of these illnesses, and who have done their own research on GcMAF, are invited to respond. We ask for a copy of diagnostic information and update reports from a physician during and after treatments, to help build the case that GcMAF is effective for various illnesses, which will help to make it available to the public. Participants are free to stop at any time.
We are the main supplier for research universities, 300 cancer clinics and doctors, with 4,000 participants, and we are the only one who tests for activity, which can only be done reliably with live cell assays like these:
Here is a time lapse video of the 8th assay we do in our laboratory - our GcMAF activates macrophages that eat cancers cells. We are probably the only people in the world with this technology.
Click "Video: cancer cells destroyed" on the left, to see what happens to cancer cells when GcMAF is added without macrophages. This again is a world first, and again it has been done in our laboratory.
Our research abstract paper on our results was published simultaneously on 1st February at the 5th Immunotherapeutics Conference in San Diego California, and at the PMTC Conference at the Universtiy of Sharjah, UAE.
We promised six more research papers during 2013; the first of those, about the histology of GcMAF destroying breast and brain cancer cells, was accepted at the Immunotherapy and Immunomonitoring Conference Krakow, Poland, 22-24th April. All six were written and most accepted by the end of March 2103, so we are going to publish a lot more than six this year.
What have we learned?
The many scientists who have published papers on trials of GcMAF selected those in the early stages of cancer and HIV, and reported nearly 100 percent success, with no recurrence after many years. They did not attempt trials on people with large tumours.
Our trials are quite different: many people are over 50, some over 80, with advanced or terminal cancers, with significant tumour mass.
Our GcMAF appears to be successful at rebuilding the immune system in around three weeks in the vast majority - probably over 80%. Remember the half life of GcMAF is only one week - you have to keep taking it until your disease has gone, or the immune system gets shut down again. In responders (about 80%) nagalase comes down at the rate of 10-40% every 8 weeks.
You should give your immune system 8 weeks for chronic herpes/acne. Allow 24 weeks plus of GcMAF for: Autism (85% improve, 15% eradication), CFS (40% eradication), HIV, Lyme (15% respond, most appear to have the VDR gene blocked and the viruses conceal themselves with biofilms) and stage 1 to 2 cancer, (80% respond). Late stage cancer, perhaps 20% responders, takes a year to 18 months. Remember everyone responds differently. We can't say how you will respond.
The more minor the disease, the easier it is for GcMAF and your immune system to eradicate. GcMAF needs normal levels of vitamin D to function strongly. But even in low responders, GcMAF usually appears to stop the advance of cancer.
We have probably proved GcMAF can work for people up to age 90, with terminal stage 4 cancer, and can destroy large tumour mass. See "Patients on GcMAF" on the left.
If you have your blood taken for monocyte counts, relevant markers and vitamin D levels, and again for a nagalase test at the beginning, you should see on your next test after three weeks that your immune system is back to full strength, and after 8 weeks significantly falling nagalase will indicate the disease is losing its grip. Don't stop the GcMAF until your nagalase gets below 0.62 nmol/min/mg, when it loses the ability to prevent your body producing your own GcMAF, and then you no longer need ours.
Autism children can improve at five weeks with substantial improvements at 8 weeks. See "Participants experiences" on the left. But everyone is different.
The beauty of using your own immune system to attack disease or cancer is that it remembers how to defeat it for the rest of your life: it doesn't come back. And unlike chemotherapy, the side effects are trivial.
The only way you can tell if GcMAF is genuine and active is to test with living cells in a laboratory. See "Tests of our GcMAF" top left. To recap:
We put live macrophages cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells together; nothing happens. Then we add GcMAF; in 72 hours the macrophages eat all the MCF7 cancer cells. We then put only GcMAF and MCF7 together, and the GcMAF turns the cancer cells back into healthy cells.
We have GcMAF available for preclinical trials. See "Buy GcMAF here," top left.
You must read at least all of "Buy GcMAF here" and "Treatment strategies" on the left if you want to take this further. And you must be prepared to give us feedback.
If you have questions, click "Contact" at the top to send us an email, or call our contact person David Noakes +44 7781 411 737 10.30am to 10pm UTC/GMT.
Immuno Biotech Ltd is proud to announce its sponsorship of the National Medical Congress
“Emergency in environmental diseases; state of the art in diagnosis and therapy”.
Held in the historically famous Capitoline Hill in Rome, under the patronage of the Municipality of the Capital of Italy, Rome, and the Municipalities of Civitavecchia, Montalto di Castro and Capalbio.
The congress celebrates the World Day on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
It is organized by the four most representative national associations: MARA, MCS Illness, Aiutiamo le Famiglie and ADAS.
The details and the invitation can be found at
The speakers comprise Italian politicians, University Professors and Doctors who are dealing with conditions that can be targeted by immune-therapy.
They are:
Dr. Massimo Rosselli del Turco, speaker for the National Association for Environmental Diseases.
Hon. Maria Ludovico Todini, member of the government of Rome.
Dr. Mauro Celli, chief of the Rare Disease Division of the University Hospital Umberto I in Rome.
Dr. Giovanni Ghirga, pedriatician, member of the expert group of the international society of medical doctors for environment.
Prof. Giuseppe Genovesi, MD, from the Department of Medical Physiopathology of the University of Rome, University Hospital Umberto I, who will speak about genetic and epigenetic diagnostics and therapy.
Dr. Salvatore Martuscelli, MD, medical director of the Institution “Regina Coelorum”, who will speak about nagalase in environmental pathologies.
Dr. Giacomo Rao, MD, chief of the forensic institution INAIL, who will speak on the role of nagalase in immuno-neurotoxic syndromes.
Prof. Giuseppe Castellani, MD, from the Military Department of Forensic Medicine of Firenze and consultant of the Tribunal.
Prof. Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD, from the Department of Experimental Oncology and Pathology of the University of Firenze who will speak on immune-stimulation and transcranial ultrasonography in the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS.
Dr. Raimondo Pische, MD. President of the international academy of biological dentistry who will speak on the role of heavy metals.
Dr. Volfango Perotti, Dentist, member of the international academy of biological dentistry, who will speak about removal of heavy metals.
Dr. Emanuele Ugo D’Abramo, MD, who will speak on the role of neuro-endocrine immunotherapy in environmental pathologies.
Most of the topics covered at the congress are consistent with the mission of Immuno Biotech Ltd, since they deal with immunotherapy, nagalase and heavy metals, that are the targets of our First Immune GcMAF and of our mouthwash GcMAF for diseases of the mouth.
This congress comes immediately after the successful GcMAF Immunology Conference 2013 in Frankfurt and the high profile of the organization is a guarantee for the success. Immuno Biotech Ltd is proud to be part of this event that promises to bring healing to patients with diseases that too often are forgotten despite the high burden of sufferance that they cause to the patients and their families.
Participation in this congress and the continuing cooperation with the Associazione MARA, who attended the GcMAF Conference, strengthen our determination to increase the success rate of GcMAF with these diseases through research, and to help patients that can make full recoveries through our immune-therapeutic approach.